Thursday, April 24, 2014

Am I the "Best" Trainer???

I'm always taking my life to the next level and that is what I try to share with my clients.  I've done yoga, tai-chi and Crossfit style weight training for over 10 years.  I got into all of this stuff before it was popular or trendy.  Not that, that makes me cool - it means I'm a little further down the road and have spent the time and energy to know the difference between the real stuff and the things that will damage or hurt you.  Recently I got into Spartan Races. At the Citi field race here in New York I cam in 18th in my age group (I'm 36) and 85th overall. I may not be the best but I'm at least competitive!

I've been a certified personal trainer in NYC for ten years.  Last summer I got the highest certification in the US the coveted CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist).  Funny thing is I passed but didn't study.  The date snuck up on me and rather than lose the fee I showed up and took the test. I was surprised that the test was focused on material that you could only learn through experience.  I guess the ten years spent training clients, reading, studying, training myself and recovering from injuries have not been a waste!  I have worked in or around all of the top gyms in NYC and my network is filled with great trainers.

Why am I the best?  I suppose that's for others to decide.  There are tons of passionate motivated, good natured, well meaning people out there that go into personal training and never learn how to actually train clients.  I'd say my care and concern for my clients is as high as can be while still maintaining healthy professional boundaries.

Here's my top ten attributes that I think the "best" trainer should have in order to even be considered:

1.) a desire to help
2.) professional level communication skills
3.) attention to detail
4.) visceral knowledge of how the body moves and functions
5.) walk your talk
6.) scientific knowledge of the interplay of forces on the body
7.) a good sense of humor
8.) an unrelenting commitment to excellence
9.) willingness to continually reinvent yourself and learn
10.) have some answers but never claim to have all the answers

Monday, April 7, 2014

Why train when it's so hard?!?

I'm writing this as a do a workout so bear with me as this may become more and more non-sensical as the endorphins start flowing.  I'm off to do a 500 meter row followed by lunges, squats, burpees and mountain climbers.  Don't worry about me though.  If you come in this week you will do this workout...

Ok 500 meters down. Now for the burpees etcetera... 

...and I'm back!  Heart pounding and sweat running onto the keyboard.  Why do we put ourselves through a workout that could be compared to torture?  Let's think that over.  I'm going back on the rowing machine.  Hold that thought...

While I rest let me try to answer that question.  Why train when you could just get exercise walking to work? The answer is that it feels good to be alive.  To feel our heart beat, to use the body and then have it come back stronger.  It may be hard work but at least it's physical and something we can feel.  Through technology we may be more connected to each other than ever. However it's exercise that let's us connect to the physical universe through the use of our bodies. And through this physical connection we ultimately re connect with ourselves.  Or is that just the endorphins talking...