Currently I have several professional goals to accomplish:
1.) Expand and solidify
ATOMIC Total Fitness. This includes but is not limited to:
- Facility design, modification and renovation
- Staff development
- Program design
- Standardization of client communication and retention
- Social media growth and saturation
2.) Get another new business Theseus Vision off the ground and flying high. Theseus slayed the minotaur, the monster that struck terror in the hearts of Atheneans. As small business consultants and web designers we intend to slay the problems facing growth and expansion of each of our customers.
3.) Producing the Kickstarter funded film
Rebirth. I moved to NYC to pursue a dream of becoming a film actor. I started out doing stand up comedy. I figured I'd hit the open mic circuit then work my way into the clubs; eventually going on tour and making it big on the road and as a movie star. This was the biggest dream I could come up with and in many ways I'm still pursuing this dream today. Though my travels and experience have lead me down the path to entrepreneurship my dream is to create - right on the edge. This film represents the work of twelve plus years perpetually coming to fruition.
I'd love to go into more detail but I'll leave that for later. Until then, dream, plan and execute.